Thursday 2 March 2000

*Gerunds or Infinitives

To figure out whether we should use a gerund or an infinitive in a sentence, we need to know what both are.

You can check out these links on gerunds and infinitives for more information. Here is a recap.

gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "ing" at the end.
The gerund form of the verb "read" is "reading."

You can use a gerund as
  • the subject (thing doing the action / being talked about): Reading is good.
  • the complement (completing the sentence): Her favourite hobby is reading.
  • or the object of a sentence (receiver of the action): I enjoy reading.

The infinitive is the "to" form of the verb, and is also a noun.
The infinitive form of "learn" is "to learn."

You can use an infinitive as 
  • the subject: To learn is important.
  • the complement: The most important thing is to learn.
  • or the object of a sentence: He wants to learn.

As you can see, both gerunds and infinitives can be nouns, which means they can do just about anything that a noun can do. 

They can be used as the subject or the complement of a sentence, although they normally name activities rather than people or objects.

However, as subjects or complements, a very noticeable difference is that gerunds usually sound more common, more like normal, spoken English. On the other hand, infinitives sound more... abstract. They emphasize the possibility or potential for something to happen, and overall, they sound more philosophical. If this sounds confusing, just remember that 90% of the time, you will use a gerund as the subject or complement of a sentence.
  • Learning is important. - Gerund, normal subject.
  • To learn is important. - Infinitive, abstract subject.

As the object of a sentence, it is more difficult to choose between using a gerund or an infinitive. In such situations, gerunds and infinitives are not normally interchangeable. Usually, the main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive.
  • He enjoys swimming. - "enjoy" requires a Gerund.
  • He wants to swim. - "want" requires an Infinitive.

For this reason, we need to find out and know the common verbs used with either gerunds or infinitives.

Here are some lists of verbs that might help you determine whether gerunds or infinitives should be used

The "Could-be-followed-by-gerund-or-infinitive-and-virtually-makes-no-difference-in-meaning" List:
can't stand


The "Could-be-followed-by-gerund-or-infinitive-and-but-has-different-meanings" List:

  • stopped smoking.
  • stopped to smoke.

The "Could-be-followed-by-gerund-or-simple-verb-and-needs-a-second-subject" List:
listen to
look at

  • I heard Sam singing.
  • I heard Sam sing... (Sam is the second subject)

Gerunds accompany a form of the verb to go in many idiomatic expressions: Let's go shopping. We went jogging yesterday. She goes bowling every Friday night.

The "Followed-by-a-gerund" List:

Initiation, Completion and Incompletion
get through
give up
Continuing Action
can't help
keep on
don't mind
can't stand
Mental Process
can't see
  • gave up trying.

The "Followed-by-an-infinitive-but-also-followed-by-a-gerund-if-describing-an-actual-vivid-or-fulfilled-action" List:

Choice or Intent
Initiation, Completion, Incompletion
Mental Process
know how
Request and Promise
  • We decided to leave. - infinitive
  • They began farming the land. - gerund

The "Followed-by-an-infinitive-but-accompanied-by-a-second-object" List:

would like
  • They taught the children to swim.

Exercise 1:
1. Mary enjoys ___________________ to music. (listen)
2. I don’t mind ___________________ the washing up. (do)
3. Irregular verbs are not easy ___________________ . (remember)
4. Mathew is really good at ___________________ . (cook)
5. She waited ___________________ a movie ticket. (buy)
6. The doctor encouraged his patients ___________________ healthy food. (eat)
7. My flat is easy ___________________ . (find)
8. She is interested in ___________________ a doctor. (become)
9. He is saving money ___________________ a new car. (buy)
10. When I met her I couldn’t help ___________________ her. (hug)
11. My favorite hobby is ___________________ . (cook)
12. My father helped me ___________________ my homework. (do)
13. I’m sick of ___________________ hamburgers every day. (eat)
14. It is important ___________________ the net for more information. (surf)
15. She advised me ___________________ a doctor as soon as possible. (see)
16. I don’t feel like ___________________ English today. (study)
17. Isabel got Mike ___________________ her car (wash)
18. ___________________ sport every day is good for your health. (do)
19. At last they decided ___________________ the apartment. (rent)
20. I pretended ___________________ asleep. (be)
21. Sheila stopped ___________________ hello to her friends. (say)
22. It’s no use ___________________ over spilt milk. (cry)
23. The following questions are easy ___________________ . (answer)
24. She told us where ___________________ the necessary material. (find)
25. Would you mind ___________________ this letter for me? (post)
26. They suggested ___________________ by bus. (travel)
27. We plan ___________________ to Europe this summer(go)
28. It was hard for her ___________________ smoking. (quit)
29. We were all happy about ___________________ the New Year in Vienna. (celebrate)
30. It seems difficult ___________________ everything about the topic. (know)
31. Just avoid ___________________ unnecessary mistakes. (make)
32. Can you imagine ___________________ my car before we leave? (finish)
33. We are used ___________________ up early in the morning. (get)
34. She enjoys ___________________ . (paint)
35. I forgot ___________________ the door when I left. (lock)
36. I regret ___________________ you that your application was rejected. (inform)
37. We intend ___________________ you next spring. (visit)
38. I decided ___________________ more often. (exercise)
39. Mary keeps ___________________ about her problems. (talk)
40. Ireland doesn’t allow ___________________ in bars. (smoke)
41. Nancy seemed ___________________ disappointed. (be)
42. I can’t bear ___________________ so much responsibility. (have)
43. She is fond of ___________________ picnics. (have)
44. She promised ___________________ smoking. (stop)
45. They urge their citizens ___________________ more waste. (recycle)
46. John is thinking about ___________________ abroad. (study)
47. She considered ___________________ to New York. (move)
48. The aquarium needs ___________________ . (clean)
49. Tom agrees ___________________ me. (help)
50. She warned him ___________________ late. (not be)

Exercise 2:

1. I can’t imagine __________________ at home. (work)
2. We have decided against __________________ a new car. (buy)
3. She seems __________________ her new job. (like)
4. The students hope __________________ the exam. (pass)
5. He won’t go by plane. He is afraid of __________________ . (fly)
6. I am lazy. I don’t feel like __________________ any work. (do)
7. Remember __________________ the letter. Otherwise they won’t get it by Saturday. (post)
8. Have you ever learned how __________________ such a plane? (fly)
9. They were too lazy __________________ out with us. (go)
10. I always enjoy __________________ to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories. (talk)
11. I’m very interested in __________________ French. (learn)
12. My pen friend is coming next Friday. I’m really looking forward __________________ her. (meet)
13. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long time? (be)
14. The children promised __________________ back by nine. (be)
15. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. (come)
16. Tom offered __________________ me home. (bring)
17. Why not __________________ a weekend in Scotland? (spend)
18. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for __________________ me. (invite)
19. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. (make)
20. Paris is always worth __________________ to. (travel)
21. I’m sure I gave him back the money. I remember __________________ it back to him. (give)
22. She eventually managed __________________ her bike. (repair)
23. Would you like __________________ a cup of coffee? (drink)
24. There’s no point in __________________ the matter. He has already made his decision. (discuss)
25. I prefer __________________ to skiing. (snowboard)
26. Do you mind __________________ Anita to the doctor? (bring)
27. It is difficult __________________ him. (understand)
28. We had difficulties __________________ your house. (find)
29. They decided __________________ Tennis in the afternoon. (play)
30. We expect him __________________ us on Sunday. (join)

Exercise 3:

1. ________________ is not allowed here. (fish)
2. I heard the TV set ________________ . (explode)
3. She appeared ________________ very nervous. (be)
4. I keep ________________ you - it was an accident. (tell)
5. Jack is good at ________________ ceilings. (paint)
6. She wondered who ________________ . (ask)
7. It is difficult ________________ him. (understand)
8. She did not know what ________________ from them. (expect)
9. My wife warned us ________________ the table. (not touch)
10. He refused ________________ me what all the fuss was about. (tell)
11. There’s no sense in ________________ him. He’s not at home. (visit)
12. Elephants are known ________________ a fantastic memory. (have)
13. I let her ________________ on with her work. (get)
14. Colin had no idea of how ________________ into the house. (get)
15. I’d rather ________________ in bed than go to work. (be)
16. I crossed the road without ________________ . (look)
17. We advised her ________________ a year abroad. (not spend)
18. I always dreamed of ________________ in a small house by the seaside. (live)
19. She made us ________________ for hours. (wait)
20. She learned ________________ pupils with respect. (treat)
21. I couldn’t help ________________ when I saw the bride in the beautiful white dress. (cry)
22. My uncle has given up ________________ and now he prefers ________________ . (smoke, eat)
23. He wasn’t used ________________ on the right side of the road. (drive)
24. Would you rather ________________ to a restaurant or eat at home. (go)
25. There was a fence ________________ people from walking on the grass. (walk)
26. I agreed ________________ him if he is in trouble. (help)
27. I’m too old ________________ my habits now. (change)
28. Please stop ________________ . You’re making me nervous. (whisper)
29. He was silly enough ________________ into the pond without ________________ first. (dive, look)
30. I enjoy ________________ alone. I never feel lonely. (be)

Exercise 4:

1. They are likely __________________ up at any time. (show)
2. The man denied __________________ the crime. (commit)
3. Their memories of __________________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)
4. He has always been afraid of __________________. (fly)
5. __________________ is good for your health. (swim)
6. Would you mind __________________ me the sugar. (pass)
7. She promised __________________ the report as soon as possible. (read)
8. I had a hard time __________________ the situation to my husband. (explain)
9. She had some problems __________________ without glasses. (read)
10. Paul gave up __________________ five years ago. (smoke)
11. What about __________________ to the zoo tomorrow? (go)
12. Barca __________________ in winning the Spanish championship. (succeed)
13. They had fun __________________. (ski)
14. My friend was happy __________________ me at the party. (see)
15. He was ashamed __________________ that he had lied. (admit)
16. It was very kind of you __________________ me. (help)
17. She always wastes her time __________________ bad books. (read)
18. We had no problem __________________ from the airport to the train station. (drive)
19. She hadn’t expected this task __________________ so difficult. (be)
20. It’s no use __________________ a taxi. We’ll be late anyway. (take)
21. Don’t forget __________________ the document as soon as you are finished. (sign)
22. She made me __________________ like a real man. (feel)
23. __________________ video games all the time is very boring. (play)
24. She is fond of __________________ comics. (read)
25. Alvaro admitted __________________ during the English test. (cheat)
26. The teacher reminded us __________________ irregular verbs. (learn)
27. The boy refused __________________ what his mother said. (do)
28. Brenda really hates __________________. (study)
29. I used __________________ basketball during my college years. (play)
30. How long does it take you __________________ to the university? (walk)

Exercise 5:

1. Don't let them ___________________ (cross) that dangerous road on their own.
2. What about ___________________ (have) a last drink ?
3. They accused me of ___________________ (break) the window.
4. They'd rather ___________________ (go) to Tuscany than to Ireland.
5. There was a very good reason for ___________________ (not believe) in what he said.
6. I don't know what ___________________ (believe) anymore.
7. Remember ___________________ (phone) Tom tomorrow - OK I won't forget.
8. The teacher watched the pupil ___________________ (cheat).
9. Why not ___________________ (spend) our holiday in Florida this year ?
10. She is always the last ___________________ (arrive)
11. Most teachers insist on their pupils ___________________ (do) the homework.
12. She has often made me ___________________ (cry).
13. I expect ___________________ (hear) from you by Monday.
14. It's no use ___________________ (pretend) ___________________ (like) her food.
15. How old were you when you learnt ___________________ (drive) ?
16. I don't mind ___________________ (walk) home but I'd rather ___________________ (get) a taxi.
17. I can't make a decision. I keep ___________________ (change) my mind.
18. We had to keep him from ___________________ (fall) off the cliff.
19. He had made his decision and refused ___________________ (change) his mind.
20. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ___________________ (be) by the sea.
21. Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don't remember ___________________ (say) that.
22. The water here is not very good. I'd avoid ___________________ (drink) it if I were you.
23. I pretended ___________________ (be) interested in the conversation.
24. I got up and looked out of the window ___________________ (see) what the weather was like.
25. I have a friend who claims ___________________ (be) able to speak 5 languages.
26. I like ___________________ (think) carefully about things before ___________________ (make) a decision.
27. Steve used ___________________ (be) a footballer. He had to stop ___________________ (play) because of an injury.
28. How do you ___________________ (make) this machine work ? - I'm not sure. Try ___________________ (press) the button and see what happens !
29. What do you advise me ___________________ ? (do)
30. They intend ___________________ a new house next year. (buy)

Exercise 6:

1. We encouraged her __________________ (succeed in ) __________________ (become) a top player.
2. It's no good __________________ (force) him to go with us.
3. I promised __________________ (care) for the cat but I'm not much good at __________________ (babysit).
4. The people thanked me for __________________ (offer) __________________ (help) them.
5. I begged her __________________ (not accuse) me of __________________ (ruin) her hairstyle by __________________ (try) __________________ (kiss) her.
6. It is not worth __________________ (help) him __________________ (do) the job.
7. I let him __________________ (choose) between __________________ (fly) and __________________ (take) the train.
8. The film was really worth __________________ (see) so we made Mary __________________ (go) to the movies with us.
9. Her forced us __________________ (accept) his offer by __________________ (raise) it by 5 %.
10. Normally I enjoy __________________ (go) out but today I'd prefer __________________ (stay) indoors.
11. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________ (smoke).
12. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.
13. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.
14. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.
15. He'd better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work) harder.
16. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and __________________ (play) the saxophone.
17. You'd better __________________ (start) __________________ (dig) the garden.
18. I expected someone __________________ (pick) up these papers.
19. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal __________________ (not attack) Rome.
20. It was interesting __________________ (watch) our cat __________________ (play).
21. We have taught our children __________________ (wash) their hands before __________________ (eat).
22. __________________ (write) letters is more boring than __________________ (phone).
23. Jack decided __________________ (have) a break from work.
24. I refused __________________ (speak) with them.
25. We agreed __________________ (meet) them at the airport.
26. There is no sense in __________________ (earn) more money than you can __________________ (spend).
27. They made us __________________ (leave) the campsite after __________________ (make) such a mess.
28. "Do you mind __________________ (work) overtime ?, " asked the boss
29. She has never known how __________________ (fry) a steak.
30. The doctor made him __________________ (promise) __________________ (reduce) his __________________ (smoke).

The -ing Form (Gerunds)

A gerund = a verb + "ing”, and then used as a noun.

Example 1: Swimming is good exercise.

"Swimming" = verb + "ing". It is now used as a noun, a subject that we talk about.

Example 2: The girls enjoy swimming. (direct object)

"Swimming" is now used as a direct object, a receiver of the action in the sentence...It is being enjoyed by the girls.

Example 3: The best exercise is swimming. (predicate nominative)

"Swimming" is the predicate nominative; it

  • follows the linking verb (is) and
  • tells us what the subject is (the best exercise = swimming)

Example 4: Joe was scolded for swimming. (object of a preposition)

Here, "Swimming" is the object of a preposition because it

  • sticks with a preposition (for) and
  • gives meaning to that sentence (Why was Joe scolded? He was scolded for swimming.)

A gerund phrase consists of

  • a gerund
  • its modifiers (changes the meaning)
  • and complements (completes the action)

The gerund phrase is used as a noun.

Swimming in the lake is good exercise.

Not simply just swimming, but swimming in the lake.

(To identify whether you are looking at a gerund or a gerund phrase, sometimes, you need to ask yourself:
"Any more I can say about this gerund?")

Exercise 1: Underline the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence.

  1. Although he is famous today, Rudolph Nureyev’s birth on a train in Russia was a modest beginning.
  2. Brisk walking is my favourite exercise. 
  3. Keeping a light on in the house helps discourage robbers. 
  4. Mrs. Norman enjoys playing cards. 
  5. I remember promising Steve my old bike. 
  6. Standing during a two-hour train trip is not my idea of fun. 
  7. Do you like sailing on the lake? 
  8. Volunteering at the hospital is just one of Helen's activities. 
  9. He began his great career by dancing with amateur groups.
  10. Mrs. Brent enjoys watching quiz shows on television. 
  11. Allow twenty minutes a pound for roasting the turkey. 
  12. Taking out the garbage is not my favorite job around the house. 
  13. Understanding a foreign language and speaking it well are two different things. 
  14. Acting in high school and college plays helped prepare Tim for Broadway. 
  15. Collecting stamps is a popular hobby. 
  16. Rushing through your chores will get you nowhere. 
  17. Don't you ever get tired of listening to the radio? 
  18. Mr. Olson never tires of talking about his grandchildren. 
  19. One of his skills was leaping like a gazelle.
  20. The dance world in London, Paris, and New York competed in praising his performances.
  21. At recitals in which Lisa sang, the orchestra was often drowned out by wild cheering.
  22. Watching his impossibly high leaps was an unforgettable experience.
  23. His dancing is known to everyone.
  24. Bird watching with binoculars is a popular pastime. 
  25. Arguing with me takes much of my little brother's time. 
  26. Constant complaining helps no one. 
  27. Listening to the concerto is sheer pleasure for Joan. 
  28. After standing behind the counter all day, Jim likes to relax at night. 
  29. Driving in a crowded city was a new experience for Nick.
  30. She could not stop humming that tune.

                                          Exercise 2: Write gerund or gerund phrase to identify the underlined words. Write subject, direct object, predicate nominative, or object of a preposition to identify how each gerund or gerund phrase is used in the sentence.
                                          1. Dancing takes many forms. 
                                          2. Preparation for dancing in a troupe begins early in life. 
                                          3. Stretching all the muscles takes up much of a dancer’s practice time. 
                                          4. The grandest movement of ballet is leaping
                                          5. In the 1920s, modern dancers started moving in a completely new way
                                          6. Now dancers enjoy studying traditional forms
                                          7. The darkness of the night prevented us from finishing the job
                                          8. Rising with the sun did not appeal to him. 


                                          An infinitive = a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

                                          The word "to" usually appears before the infinitive. 

                                          It is important to listen.

                                          "listen" is a verb (I listen, you listen, he/she/it listens...etc).
                                          But now you can use it as an activity, that is, to listen

                                          Exercise 1: Circle the infinitive in each sentence below.

                                          1. Daniel had always been competitive. To conquer Mount Everest is his goal.
                                          2. When he was a child, Liam was terrified to play hide-and-seek.
                                          3. It takes great courage, foresight, and luck to succeed.
                                          4. Stranded on a barren desert, all Tia wanted was to survive.
                                          5. Afraid to move, Evan froze in terror as the huge cobra slithered over his left foot.

                                          An infinitive phrase = an infinitive with
                                          • modifiers (changes the meaning) or
                                          • a complement (completes the action),
                                          ...all acting together as a single part of speech.

                                          Example 1:
                                          It is important to listen carefully.

                                          Not simply just to listen, but to listen with care: to listen carefully.

                                          Example 2:
                                          It is not polite to look through the keyhole.

                                          Not simply just to look, but to look through the keyhole.

                                          Exercise 2: Underline the infinitive phrase in each sentence below.
                                          1. Do I have enough change to make a phone call? 
                                          2. Always try to proofread your paper before you turn it in. 
                                          3. Jackie is able to swim six lengths of the pool. 
                                          4. Little Cheryl came to play with my little brother. 
                                          5. Would you remember to warn me if anyone comes? 
                                          6. I would be happy to give you a ride home later. 
                                          7. To move to a larger house would be unwise for us now. 
                                          8. Jerry was afraid to be alone in the old house. He thought it was haunted.
                                          9. Megan is trying to practice the piano an hour a day. 
                                          10. To be a doctor is Ann's ambition. 
                                          11. To win the presidency is Senator Brown's ambition. 
                                          12. Did you have time to feed the kitten? 
                                          13. Mr. and Mrs. Ng plan to go to Japan this summer. 
                                          14. The mayor decided to call a press conference. 
                                          15. James always tries to do his best. 
                                          16. Sarah tried to paint the ceiling of her room. 
                                          17. The guest speaker was asked to speak for half an hour. 
                                          18. Our plan is to go to Tennessee in October. 
                                          19. To play tennis every day is Jim's ambition for the summer.
                                          20. Andre knows that to drive the quicksand is impossible.
                                          21. Ben told George that he'd like to travel to Canada.  
                                          22. We shouted at Steve to kick the football at Henry.
                                          23. Mr Chan built a storm cellar in which to shelter during tornadoes.
                                          24. Tyler's wish, to fly in a hot-air balloon, was finally coming true!
                                          25. Cody and Zach tried to follow orders, but they failed miserably.
                                          26. The students' decision, to stop by the cafe and get a cup of coffee, made them late for English class.
                                          27. Jake was about to jump into the big tub of Jello when his mother got home.
                                          28. After he hit the deer at the side of the road, Blake had no choice but to drive on.
                                          29. Sean's suggestion, to give the kind lady a bunch of roses, was appreciated.
                                          30. "Be quiet, please," said Lola to her roommate. "I want to hear the news."

                                          Too - Enough

                                          Too and enough indicate degree. They are used with adjectives.

                                          Too = more than what is needed.
                                          Enough = sufficient.


                                          • He is too old to play football with the kids.
                                          • He is old enough to join the adult squad.

                                          Use of too

                                          • "Too" comes before adjectives and adverbs:
                                            • It's too hot to wear that coat. (adjective)
                                            • He was writing too slow. (adverb)
                                          • Too may also come before nouns when it is used with the expressions too much and too many.
                                          • Too much is used before uncountable nouns.
                                            • There is too much salt in this food.
                                          • Too many is used before countable nouns.
                                            • There are too many students in this classroom.

                                          Use of enough

                                          • "Enough" precedes adjectives and adverbs:
                                            • He isn't old enough to watch this program. 
                                            • We're not walking quickly enough.
                                          • "Enough" may also come before nouns:
                                            • We have enough money.
                                            • I have not got enough money to buy this computer.

                                          Exercise 1: Complete with TOO or ENOUGH and the adjective in brackets:

                                          a) Peter is ________ to become a police officer. He's only 1.65 cm tall. (short)

                                          b) I'd like to buy a new car and a good house, but I'm just not ________ to do it. (rich)

                                          c) My school is ________ from my house to go on foot. So, I cycle to school every morning. (far)

                                          d) Kelly is ________ to drive a car. She's only 14. (young)

                                          e) That skirt you are wearing is ________ for you. You need a bigger size. (tight)

                                          f) David is quite a fast runner, but he isn't ________ to beat the Italian runner, who is considered to be the best. (fast)

                                          g) I'm a good swimmer, but I'm not ________ to enter a championship. (good)

                                          h) The beach was ________ yesterday, so we decided to go somewhere else. (crowded)

                                          i) We wanted to go to Paris last weekend, but the plane tickets were ________, so we stayed at home. (expensive)

                                          j) This T-shirt isn't ________ for me. I need a bigger one. (big)

                                          k) We didn't buy the sofa because it wasn't ________. (comfortable)

                                          l) The students are ________ to study the irregular verbs list by heart. (lazy)

                                          m) The soup isn't ________. I'd like it to be hotter. (hot)

                                          n) Don't eat that chicken! It's ________. (salty)

                                          o) The music is ________ and I can't hear anything you say. (loud)

                                          Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with ENOUGH and the given noun. Pay attention to its position in the sentence!

                                          a) Robert doesn't have ________ (money) to pay for his new car. He's in trouble!

                                          b) There is ________ (room) for both of us in that sofa. It's quite big.

                                          c) He doesn't make ________ (profit) in his company to buy those expensive presents.

                                          d) There's ________ (fruit) in the fridge for the whole week. We don't need to buy any more.

                                          e) I don't have ________ (time) to finish my homework.

                                          Exercise 3: Choose the correct option:

                                          a) David has got enough money / too much money / money enough to buy a new motorbike. He has been saving a lot.

                                          b) We are busy enough / enough busy / too busy to help you at the moment. Come back later please!

                                          c) My sister isn't tall enough / is enough tall / too tall to be a model. Perhaps when she grows up...

                                          d) Don't be silly! You are too old / enough old / not old enough for bungee jumping. For God's sake, grandad! You're 89!

                                          e) Mary wants to travel around the world on her own, but she's still young enough / too young / enough young.

                                          f) The exam was enough easy / too easy / easy enough for the students to pass it.

                                          g) There wasn't room enough / enough room / too room in the car for all of us, so we had to take the bus.

                                          h) The restaurant was too much noisy / enough noisy / too noisy and the food wasn't very good. We won't come back there.

                                          i) This activity is too long / long enough / enough long and I'm tired!

                                          j) We've had too practice / enough practice / practice enough now. I think I understand it very well.

                                          Wednesday 1 March 2000



                                          1. Tenses (Present Forms - Past Forms - Future Forms)
                                          2. Infinitive / The -ing Form / *Gerunds or Infinitives / Too - Enough / Participles
                                          3. Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons
                                          4. Nouns - Articles - Word Formation
                                          5. Modal Verbs
                                          6. The Passive - Have Something Done
                                          7. Reported Speech
                                          8. Emphasis - Inversion
                                          9. Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better / Would Rather -Unreal Past
                                          10. Clauses - Linking Words
                                          11. Pronouns - Possessives - Demonstratives - Quantifiers
                                          12. Questions and Answers - Words Often Confused

                                          * = Not in Textbook

                                          Monday 3 January 2000

                                          The Basics: Taking the Rubik's Cube Apart !

                                          You can examine the parts of the Rubik's Cube more carefully by taking it apart.

                                          1. Hold the Rubik's Cube in your non-dominant hand.

                                          2. Using your dominant hand, turn the top row of the cube to a 45 degree angle from the rest of the cube.

                                          3. Use a flat headed screwdriver - or even your thumb - to wedge under an Edge, and pop it up. 

                                          4. The other pieces of the cube should come apart easily.